
Highly liquid issues backed by residential mortgages, some with government agency guarantees, supported by Conning analysis of credit and prepayment risk.

Seeks to achieve higher yields than other comparably rated debt instruments but with higher liquidity and more prepayment risk.

Fundamental and quantitative analysis identifies most attractive segments of RMBS market; we select securities meeting strict credit, structure and risk standards.

Invests in agency RMBS (principal and interest guaranteed by FNMA, FHLMC or GNMA) and investment-grade, non-agency RMBS which may provide higher yields but with greater credit risk.

Seeks to achieve higher yields than other comparably rated debt instruments but with higher liquidity and more prepayment risk.

Fundamental and quantitative analysis identifies most attractive segments of RMBS market; we select securities meeting strict credit, structure and risk standards.

Invests in agency RMBS (principal and interest guaranteed by FNMA, FHLMC or GNMA) and investment-grade, non-agency RMBS which may provide higher yields but with greater credit risk.